How to Make an Espresso:
Any type of coffee bean or level of roast is used to make espresso, though many coffee lovers prefer to roast differently for espresso as opposed to drip coffee–a darker roast works very well for espresso. This is because a darker roasted coffee bean is less acidic, which reduces the high acidity that is usually created through the espresso brewing process. But it is a matter of preference.
The ground coffee beans for espresso have a much finer consistency than the more coarsely ground beans of regular coffee. Also, like any great coffee drink, the “espresso coffee beans” are ground to order which adds a nice sense of ritual to each espresso making occasion. . .coffee is at its best when freshly ground. To brew this concentrated coffee drink, high pressured steam powers hot water through the finely ground coffee beans. And voila (excuse the French), now you have this Italian born beverage ready for the sipping. . .or the gulping.
How to Drink an Espresso:
Many espresso drinkers take espresso alone in an espresso shot, or shots for those who can take the jolt. Some enjoy to stir their espresso before consumption to mix the sweetness found at the bottom of an espresso throughout the drink. Others see espresso as a layered drink and like to experience the changes with each sip. And still, many other espresso lovers enjoy their beverage blended with other liquids entirely. Here are some popular examples:
- Americano or Cafe Americano–Espresso with hot water.
- Breve–Espresso with steamed half-and-half.
- Cappuccino–Espresso with milk steamed to foam (dry cappuccino has more foam and wet cappuccino has more milk).
- Iced Coffee–Chilled espresso over ice with milk.
- Latte–Espresso with milk steamed to slight foam.
- Mocha–Latte with chocolate.
- Red Eye or Black Eye–Regular coffee with espresso shot(s).
Coffee creates its own atmosphere. Perhaps what you enjoy most about your coffee drinking experience is the aroma, or maybe its the taste, or sipping a cup with your best friend or while reading a good book; but no matter your reason for loving coffee–you are not alone. If you are an espresso lover, you are certainly not alone!